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Camping workshop

Camping Workshop – 2019

By Puviarasan

Camping is an important hobby I got exposed to in my late twenties. You go to a new place and live there by yourself in a shelter you built. How cool is that! Yes, it is cool and empowering at the same time. I have not done big camping adventure in top of hills. I have just begun to camp. In fact I learned how to pitch a tent through YouTube videos and friends assistance. The first thing that came to mind when I learned to camp is how do we get this amazing stuff outside. Why not teach young people about it. And we planned for a half hour camping workshop in midst of our forest walk event. Forest walk is a regular Outdoor Being event where we go on a hike in the forest just in outskirts of Pondicherry.

The event begun by addressing all the participants with nature of Pondicherry’s forest.

Let me cover the forest walk part in detail in another blog post. But this is all about camping.

Tent was pitched in middle of the forest.

Charles speaking to the participants and clarifying their doubts on camping.

Camping is seen as an out of reach hobby for many. People who joined the camping workshop wondered if camping is even an option at Pondicherry. They believed that camping is something done under the Mt Everest base camp or remote forest areas. Pondicherry or any place for that matter may not be advertised as a cool spot to camp but it is up to us to find the best spot out there.

Camping checklist

Download printable travel/camping checklist here.

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